Guy High Has Bloodshot Eyes Funny

Come back to work after lunch with bloodshot eyes and your coworkers are going to talk: Were you really running some errands, or were you toking up out back?

Truth is, while bloodshot eyes may have been commonplace in college, they're just plain unattractive—and suspicious—in the adult world (Here are 10 reasons your eyes are bloodshot).

"Redness in the eyes is caused by dilated blood vessels on the surface of the eye," says Brenda Pagán-Duran, M.D., clinical spokesperson for the American Academy of Ophthalmology. "Your eye is sending a message that something is wrong, and you're seeing the blood vessels react."

The cause could be a number of things, but bloodshot eyes are usually caused by one of two things: irritation or infection, says Dr. Pagan.

The infection, known as pink eye, could be caused by a virus or bacteria, usually accompanied by other symptoms including discharge, soreness, and burning, which usually are treated by doctors and prescription meds.

Irritation, on the other hand, could be a number of things: allergies, dry eye, or exposure to chemicals—think being in a smoky bar for hours on-end or a chlorinated pool.

When irritation hits, you probably reach for over-the-counter redness-reducing drops like Visine. And for the short term, that can be a temporary fix.

"Visine drops contain vasoconstrictors, which shrink the blood vessels on the eye to make them less visible," says Dr. Pagán.

But beware: If you use them too much, your eyes could become addicted to the drops' blood vessel-constricting ways. Yes, addicted.

"This is called tachyphylaxis, or the rebound effect," says Christopher J. Rapuano, M.D., eye surgeon at the Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia. "Your eyes can become less responsive to Visine over time, causing your blood vessels to dilate more and therefore causing your eyes to be more red."

So it's best to not habitually reach for the bottle of Visine every time your eyes look red or feel dry. Instead, try one of these 5 solutions to help you get rid of your bloodshot eyes.

How to treat bloodshot eyes: Switch to artificial tears instead.

fixing bloodshot eyes without visine


"Artificial tears act as mild lubricants for your eyes," says Dr. Pagán. They work to rehydrate your eyes if there is a problem with tear production—and that dryness could be contributing to redness.

Just stick with a preservative-free artificial tear when choosing one. A 2014 study points out that a common preservative found in artificial tears called benzalkonium chloride has been shown to damage the tissue that covers the cornea when exposed to high doses.

When it comes to applying artificial tears, you can use the drops 2 to 4 times per day as needed, says Dr. Rapuano (Dry eye is just one of the 7 reasons your eyesight is blurry).

How to treat bloodshot eyes: Take a break from your computer.

fixing bloodshot eyes without visine


Technology is a real problem when it comes to dry, bloodshot eyes.

"Staring at screens decreases the amount you blink, causing your eyes to dry out and strain," says Dr.Pagán. In fact, Dr. Rapuano says, when you look at screens, you blink only 3 to 5 times per minute, in comparison to the 10 to 15 times per minute you should be blinking.

The American Academy of Ophthalmology has a "20-20-20 Rule", suggesting that every 20 minutes, shift your eyes to look at an object at least 20 feet away, for at least 20 seconds to prevent eye strain.

And aside from taking breaks, try holding your screen below eye level, says Dr. Rapuano. "Looking up at a screen makes the eyelids move up, leaving your eyes more susceptible to the evaporation of liquid in your eyes to happen."

Related: 6 Things You Do Every Day That Destroys Your Eyesight

How to treat bloodshot eyes: Get a humidifier.

fixing bloodshot eyes without visine


Whether your eyes are being blasted by cold, dry air conditioning in the summer or hot, dry air from heaters in the winter, your eyes will love you if you get a humidifier.

"Getting blasted with dry air can lead to evaporation problems when it comes to eye moisture," says Dr. Rapuano. And again, the dryness can lead to serious redness.

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How to treat bloodshot eyes: Drink more water.

fixing bloodshot eyes without visine


Dehydration is a major cause of bloodshot eyes, says Dr. Rapuano. "If you're dehydrated, your whole body is dry—including your eyes."

While 8 glasses of water a day may be an arbitrary rule, you should still be sure to drink 8 ounces of water every 20 minutes if you're working out to stave off dehydration.

How to treat bloodshot eyes: Apply cool compresses.

fixing bloodshot eyes without visine


There's a reason those cold cucumber are applied to women's faces at the spa. If your eyes are irritated, placing something cool on them can help decrease the size of your eye's blood vessels, says Dr. Dr.Pagán. The result? Less red-looking peepers.

Do this 1 to 2 times per day with cool washcloths for 10 to 15 minutes.

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How to treat bloodshot eyes: Check your meds.

fixing bloodshot eyes without visine


Certain medications can dry out your eyes, causing them to become red.

"Antihistamines and cold medicines are big culprits," says Dr. Rapuano. Decongestants and allergy meds work to dry up your sinuses, which could in turn cause your eyes to get red.

Related: The 17 Best Over-the-Counter Meds

When to loop in your doctor about bloodshot eyes

fixing bloodshot eyes without visine


If none of these help your symptoms, it may be time to see an eye doctor.

"It's time to see a doctor if you are experiencing pain, decreased vision, sensitivity to light, or mucus/pus discharge accompanied by a fever," says Dr. Pagán.

Related: How Often Should You Get Your Eyes Checked?

Or if over-the-counter doesn't seem to be helping, talk to your eye doctor about prescription eye drops like Restasis and Xiidra, products on the market that help treat chronic dry eye (For more health news delivered right to your inbox, sign up for our Daily Dose newsletter).

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