Family Isnã¢â‚¬â„¢t About Whose Blood You Have. Itã¢â‚¬â„¢s About Who You Care About.


There are a lot of opportunities to have your blood pressure checked: your doctor's part, of course; your local pharmacy; health fairs; and the dentist'south office. The last one might surprise y'all, merely claret pressure level monitoring before a dental examination or office visit has become quite routine.

Why all this attention to blood force per unit area? Because chronic high claret pressure (hypertension) is a major cause for cardiovascular disease (CVD), a family of life-threatening conditions that affects 80 million people in the U.s.. And, you may not even be enlightened yous have it.

That'due south why avenues for blood pressure screening are on the rise, and the dental office is a prime number opportunity. Since you see us regularly for cleanings and checkups (yous do, don't you lot?), there'southward a expert chance we might help you become aware you have a problem if we perform blood pressure readings.

One study published past the Journal of the American Dental Association, for instance, followed a group of dental patients with no previous risk factors of CVD, and who had not seen a doctor in the previous twelve months. Through claret pressure screening at their dental visits, 17% discovered they had high blood force per unit area and at take chances for a cardiovascular event.

Your blood pressure can likewise have an effect on your oral health, peculiarly if y'all're taking medication to control it. Some medications can cause reduced saliva flow, which could drastically increment your chances of developing tooth decay or periodontal (gum) disease. We would also need to exercise care during dental procedures with sure local anesthetics: some may crusade both your pulse and blood force per unit area to rise.

Although nosotros're primarily focused on your dental care, we besides know information technology's only 1 aspect of your overall health. By simply including blood pressure checks during your checkup, we may assistance you place a problem earlier it causes y'all greater health problems in the future.

If you lot would similar more information on blood pressure and dental health, please contact u.s.a. or schedule an appointment for a consultation. Y'all can besides larn more about this topic past reading the Dear Md magazine commodity "Monitoring Claret Pressure level."


You lot may have been surprised by a new add-on to your regular dental appointment routine—we took your claret pressure at the outset. While y'all might wait this at a medical dispensary, it seems unusual at the dentist's part.

Merely not anymore: claret pressure level checks at dental offices are chop-chop becoming routine, including during regular cleanings and checkups. Here are 3 reasons why checking your blood pressure is now part of your dental visit feel.

Your blood pressure level could exist an effect during dental work . While we do everything possible to brand you comfortable, undergoing dental work tin create stressful feelings. Claret pressure normally increases when stress occurs, including before dental procedures. If y'all already have issues with hypertension (high blood pressure), any circumstance that might increase it could lead to health problems or even an emergency similar a stroke. If your blood pressure is high, we may forgo any planned procedures and refer you to a dr. for further test.

Local anesthesia can touch on blood pressure . Local anesthesia is an of import role of dental piece of work—without it we couldn't provide maximum comfort during procedures. Just many anesthetics include epinephrine, which helps prolong the numbing effect. Epinephrine also constricts blood vessels, which in plough can drag blood force per unit area. We may need to adjust the anesthesia drugs and dosages we apply in your case if you lot have high claret pressure.

Information technology could save your health—and your life . The symptoms for hypertension can exist subtle and ofttimes go unnoticed. A blood pressure screening check is oft the first indication of a problem. That'due south why blood pressure screenings in a variety of healthcare settings are so important. A routine claret force per unit area check at your dentist (who hopefully sees you at to the lowest degree every half-dozen months) is one more opportunity to observe out. Discovering you may have high blood force per unit area is the first footstep to decision-making it and hopefully avoiding more serious conditions like diabetes or cardiovascular disease.

If you would like more data on monitoring vital signs during dental visits, please contact united states or schedule an appointment for a consultation. You can besides larn more than well-nigh this topic by reading the Love Doctor magazine commodity "Monitoring Blood Pressure level."


Is having good oral hygiene of import to kissing? Who's better to answer that question than Vivica A. Fob? Among her other achievements, the versatile actress won the "Best Kiss" honor at the MTV Movie Awards, for a memorable scene with Volition Smith in the 1996 blockbuster Independence Mean solar day. When Love Doctor magazine asked her, Ms. Pull a fast one on said that proper oral hygiene was indeed essential. Actually, she said:

"Ooooh, aye, aye, yes, Dear, 'cause Babe, if you lot buss somebody with a dragon mouth, my God, it's the worst experience ever as an thespian to try to act like y'all savour it!"

And even if you're not on stage, it's no fun to osculation someone whose oral hygiene isn't what it should be. Then what'south the best fashion to step upwardly your game? Here'southward how Vivica does it:

"I visit my dentist every iii months and get my teeth cleaned, I floss, I brush, I just spent two hundred bucks on an electronic toothbrush — I'm into dental hygiene for sure."

Well, we might add together that you lot don't need to spend tons of money on a toothbrush — later all, it'due south non the castor that keeps your mouth healthy, but the hand that holds information technology. And not everyone needs to come in every bit often every iii months. Simply her tips are generally right on.

For proper at-dwelling house oral care, goose egg beats brushing twice a day for two minutes each time, and flossing once a twenty-four hour period. Brushing removes the sticky, bacteria-laden plaque that clings to your teeth and causes tooth decay and gum disease — not to mention malodorous breath. Don't forget to brush your tongue besides — information technology can also harbor those bad-breath bacteria.

While brushing is constructive, it tin can't reach the tiny spaces in between teeth and under gums where plaque bacteria tin can hibernate. Simply floss can: That's what makes it and then important to getting your oral cavity really clean.

Finally, regular professional checkups and cleanings are an essential office of skilful oral hygiene. Why? Considering even the most dutiful brushing and flossing can't remove the hardened coating called tartar that somewhen forms on tooth surfaces. Only a trained wellness care provider with the right dental tools can! And when you lot come up in for a routine office visit, you'll also get a thorough checkup that can detect tooth decay, gum disease, and other threats to your oral wellness.

Bad breath isn't just a turn-off for kissing — Information technology tin can point a possible problem in your mouth. So listen to what award-winning kisser Vivica Fox says: Paying attention to your oral hygiene can really pay off! For more information, contact the states or schedule an date for a consultation. Yous can read the entire interview with Vivica A. Play a joke on in Beloved Doctor'due south latest issue.


In contempo decades culture's millennia-long search for make clean, safe drinking water has get much easier with modern purification methods. Today, at that place are few places in the United States without acceptable admission to potable water. And about iii-fourths of the nation's tap water systems add together fluoride, credited with helping to reduce molar disuse over the by half century.

But in recent years some have voiced concerns about the safety of tap water and popularizing an culling: bottled water. Manufacturers of bottled h2o routinely marketplace their products equally safer and healthier than what comes out of your faucet.

But is that truthful? A few years ago a non-profit consumer organization called the Ecology Working Group (EWG) performed a detailed, comprehensive report of bottled water. Here's some of what they found.

Lack of transparency . It'southward not always like shooting fish in a barrel to uncover bottled h2o sources (in some cases, it might actually begin as tap water), how information technology'southward processed, or what'southward in information technology. That's because unlike water utilities, which are rigorously monitored by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Nutrient and Drug Assistants (FDA) oversees bottled water production with less strenuous guidelines on labeling. 8 out of the top x selling brands were less than forthcoming almost their water's contents in EWG'due south investigation.

Higher price . Co-ordinate to the EPA, the average consumer price in the final decade for tap h2o was $2.00 per ane,000 gallons (0.two cents per gallon). The retail toll for fifty-fifty bulk bottled water is exponentially higher. It tin be a costly expenditure for a family unit to obtain most of their drink water by mode of bottled—while still paying for tap water for bathing and other necessities.

Environmental touch . Bottled water is often marketed every bit the better environmental choice. But bottled water production, packaging and distribution can pose a significant environmental impact. EWG estimated the total production and distribution of bottled water consumes more than xxx million barrels of oil each year. And disposable plastic h2o bottles have go one of the fastest growing solid waste material items at about 4 billion pounds annually.

While in that location are apparent concerns about tap water contaminants, consumers tin can usually accept matters into their own hands with an affordable and effective household filtering system.  EWG therefore recommends filtered tap water instead of bottled h2o for household use.

If you would similar more than information on drinking water options, please contact u.s. or schedule an appointment for a consultation. Yous can also learn more nigh this topic by reading the Dear Doctor magazine commodity "Bottled Water: Wellness or Hype?"


Many contempo loftier school graduates will soon begin their first year in higher, and for many information technology will be their kickoff time living abroad from home. Just with the excitement of new freedom, there's also the opportunity to make poor choices that could impact long-term wellness, especially teeth and gums.

Here, then, are 5 tips for keeping your teeth and gums healthy during the higher years.

Sentinel what you swallow and drink . At any stage of life, a nutritious, balanced diet low in sugar and high in cobweb is vital to a healthy mouth. Snack moderately on fresh fruit, nuts or dairy foods, not sugary, processed products. Be certain as well to drink enough of water for hydration, not sodas or sports drinks whose high acrid content can soften enamel and open the door to tooth decay.

Don't abuse alcohol or use tobacco . Consuming too much alcohol can exercise more than leave you momentarily impaired — it can cause dry rima oris, which contributes to tooth decay and increases your take a chance of oral cancer. Any form of tobacco can raise your take chances for disease, especially oral cancer; high levels of nicotine may also inhibit your gum's ability to fight infection, which increases your risk of periodontal (gum) disease.

Avert oral piercings . Those tiny pieces of hardware attached to lips, tongue, gums or even through teeth may exist all the rage, but they're a recipe for immediate and future mouth problems. Oral piercings can lead to chipped teeth, gum recession and a college adventure of dental disease.

Do safe sexual activity . Certain sexual behaviors can raise your gamble of contracting human papilloma virus (HPV16) that in turn increases your take chances of oral cancer. You tin can also develop genital herpes in the mouth, which although manageable won't go away.

Keep up your oral hygiene care . Taking intendance of your teeth and gums is a permanent, daily business organisation. Any your college schedule, be sure yous're brushing once or twice a day and flossing one time. And don't forget to visit us at least twice a year for a thorough cleaning (to go plaque y'all can't reach with daily hygiene) and a checkup to proceed dental disease under control.

If you would like more data on oral health intendance for young adults, delight contact us or schedule an engagement for a consultation.


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