Can Someone Enter Between Points of Entry at the Border and Ask for Asylum

Every day, all over the earth, people make ane of the most hard decisions in their lives: to leave their homes in search of a safer, improve life.

Most people in the world have had the experience of leaving the place where they grew up. Maybe they will only move as far equally the side by side village or city. But for some people, they volition need to leave their country entirely – sometimes for a short time, just sometimes forever.

At that place are many reasons why people around the world seek to rebuild their lives in a different country. Some people leave dwelling house to get a job or an teaching. Others are forced to abscond persecution or human rights violations such every bit torture. Millions flee from armed conflicts or other crises or violence. Some no longer experience safety and might have been targeted only because of who they are or what they exercise or believe – for example, for their ethnicity, faith, sexuality or political opinions.

These journeys, which all start with the hope for a better hereafter, can as well be full of danger and fear. Some people gamble falling casualty to human being trafficking and other forms of exploitation. Some are detained past the regime as soon every bit they go far in a new land. Once they're settling in and commencement edifice a new life, many face daily racism, xenophobia and discrimination.

Some people finish up feeling alone and isolated because they have lost the back up networks that most of us take for granted – our communities, colleagues, relatives and friends.

Sarah, aged vi, pictured on the Greek island of Chios, 28 November 2016. She can name the capitals of almost all countries in the globe. Sarah and her family fled bombing in her dwelling city of Homs. They told Amnesty International that when they tried to cross the border between Syria and Turkey, Turkish constabulary fired shots at them.

Why practice people leave their countries?

In that location are many reasons why it might exist likewise difficult or dangerous for people to stay in their ain countries. For case, children, woman and men abscond from violence, war, hunger, extreme poverty, considering of their sexual or gender orientation, or from the consequences of climate alter or other natural disasters. Often people will face a combination of these hard circumstances.

People who go out their countries are not always fleeing danger. They might believe they accept a better chance of finding piece of work in another land because they have the education or capital to seek opportunities elsewhere. Others might want to bring together relatives or friends who are already living away. Or they might seek to first or stop their education in another country. There are lots of different reasons for people to beginning a journey to build a life in a new state.

Definitions: What exactly is a refugee, an asylum-seeker and a migrant?

The terms "refugee", "asylum-seeker" and "migrant" are used to describe people who are on the move, who have left their countries and have crossed borders.

The terms "migrant" and "refugee" are often used interchangeably but it is important to distinguish between them equally in that location is a legal difference.

Who is a refugee?

A refugee is a person who has fled their ain state because they are at risk of serious human rights violations and persecution there. The risks to their safe and life were and then great that they felt they had no choice but to leave and seek safety outside their land because their own government cannot or volition not protect them from those dangers. Refugees take a right to international protection.

Who is an aviary-seeker?

An aviary-seeker is a person who has left their country and is seeking protection from persecution and serious man rights violations in some other state, just who hasn't yet been legally recognized as a refugee and is waiting to receive a determination on their asylum claim. Seeking asylum is a human being right. This means everyone should be allowed to enter another country to seek aviary.

Who is a migrant?

There is no internationally accepted legal definition of a migrant. Like most agencies and organizations, we at Amnesty International understand migrants to be people staying exterior their country of origin, who are not asylum-seekers or refugees.

Some migrants leave their land because they want to work, study or bring together family, for example. Others feel they must get out because of poverty, political unrest, gang violence, natural disasters or other serious circumstances that be at that place.

Lots of people don't fit the legal definition of a refugee but could however be in danger if they went home.

Information technology is important to sympathise that, merely because migrants practise not flee persecution, they are still entitled to have all their human rights protected and respected, regardless of the status they take in the country they moved to. Governments must protect all migrants from racist and xenophobic violence, exploitation and forced labour. Migrants should never exist detained or forced to render to their countries without a legitimate reason.

Activists from Amnesty France show that they welcome refugees, Place de la Republique, Paris, Oct 2016.

What is Amnesty's position on migrants, refugees and aviary-seekers?

We campaign for a globe where human being rights tin can be enjoyed past everyone, no matter what situation they are in. Immunity has championed the homo rights of refugees, aviary-seekers and migrants for decades.

We campaign to make sure governments honour their shared responsibility to protect the rights of refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants. We condemn whatever policies and practices that undermine the rights of people on the movement.

The people are not the problem

There are about 26 one thousand thousand refugees globally. Many people feel overwhelmed by the numbers and see people moving beyond borders as a global crunch. We at Amnesty International disagree that it is a crisis of numbers. The people are not the trouble. Rather, the causes that drive families and individuals to cross borders and the short-sighted and unrealistic ways that politicians answer to them are the problem.

Candidature for people on the move

With our campaigns, we put pressure on governments to honour their responsibleness to protect every single person'southward rights. They must make sure that refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants are safe, and are not tortured, discriminated against or left living in poverty.

We entrada for governments to properly process the asylum claims of asylum-seekers so that they don't leave them in limbo – sometimes fifty-fifty locked away in detention centres – for years. We besides desire to see migrants being protected from exploitation and corruption by their employers or by traffickers.

The individual beyond the label

Each homo existence has more than 1 identity. "Refugee", "migrant" and "asylum-seeker" are only temporary terms; they practise not reflect the whole identity of women, children and men who have left their homes behind to start a new life in a new state.

When we use these labels, we need to recall that out of the many ways in which people draw themselves, these terms but refer to one experience: that of leaving their countries. But the identities of these people are made up of so many more than things.

Most people seeking to live elsewhere will feel that the experience of leaving their countries doesn't fully capture who they are. Like all of united states of america, they are complex and unique homo beings and might cull to place themselves equally being from a certain country or region, belonging to a group that speaks a certain linguistic communication or shares a culture. Or they might say most themselves that they are a teacher, doctor, artist, passionate football fan, father, sister, son or mother.

A person'due south legal status cannot limited the total identity and personality of a refugee, asylum-seeker or migrant. No 1 can exist known solely through their legal status.

Why should governments welcome refugees, aviary-seekers and migrants?

  • Nosotros desire to alive in a world where people who are in grave danger have the opportunity to rebuild their lives in safety.
  • In a globalized earth, sharing global responsibility for global issues is the fair thing to do.
  • Host communities benefit from the tremendous energy and drive to first new lives, which these people bring.
  • Welcoming people from other countries strengthens host communities by making them more diverse and flexible in our fast-irresolute globe.
  • Some of the near inspiring and influential people in the arts, science, politics and engineering science have been refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants. They were immune to rebuild their lives in a new country and they thrived as members of a new community.

What tin you do?

Back up our campaigns to help refugees!

Y'all can join our movement of people who welcome refugees. Amnesty'southward I Welcome campaign calls on governments worldwide to welcome their off-white share of the world'due south people who are seeking condom. With plenty political will, our leaders tin protect people fleeing conflict and persecution, including through a solution called resettlement.

We are too pushing for other condom ways for refugees to start new lives, such every bit by reuniting families who accept been separated, through community groups sponsoring refugee families to motility to their country, and through universities and businesses offering people study or piece of work visas to starting time a new life.

Governments should never force anyone to get back to a land where they are at risk of homo rights violations. Instead, refugees should be offered a safe place to live and opportunities to access piece of work, teaching and wellness intendance.

Taibeh Abbasi, nineteen, lives in constant fear of existence deported to Transitional islamic state of afghanistan, a state she has never lived in. Born in Iran afterward her family unit fled the state of war in Afghanistan, Taibeh faced discrimination and couldn't go to schoolhouse. In 2012, she and her family unit fled to Norway, where Taibeh was able to go along learning, make friends and settle downward. Her dream is to become a doctor. But despite protests by her local community, supported by more than 275,000 Amnesty supporters worldwide, the Norwegian government remains adamant to forcefulness the Abbasi family unit to become to Afghanistan – a land that Amnesty's research shows is likewise unsafe to bear people to right now .

Where your government has a sponsorship programme, you can get involved in customs sponsorship. This is where local communities come up together to heighten coin to resettle and welcome families and individuals who accept fled their home countries.

Mohamed from Somalia and Yayha from Sudan with Catherine. Catherine is one of the individuals who helped sponsor the two men to come and settle in her customs in Toronto, Canada. 2017.

Find out more

Laws for migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers

The rights of migrants, refugees and aviary-seekers are protected past international law, regardless of how and why they arrive in a country. They have the same rights as everyone else, plus special or specific protections including:

  • The Universal Proclamation of Human being Rights (Article 14), which states that everyone has the right to seek and savor asylum from persecution in other countries
  • The 1951 UN Refugee Convention (and its 1967 Protocol), which protects refugees from beingness returned to countries where they adventure being persecuted
  • The 1990 Migrant Workers Convention, which protects migrants and their families
  • Regional Refugee police instruments (including 1969 OAU Convention, 1984 Cartagena Declaration, Common European Asylum System and Dublin Regulation)

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