Where Doeds Oprah Get Her Reading Glasses?

FCE Listening Practice Test 30

The old, print-friendly exam

Office one

Y'all will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-eight, choose the best answer (A, В or C).

one Yous hear a person talking about a recently synthetic road. What do they think about the road?
A They believe it will make shopping trips longer.
B They approve of it.
C They are concerned nearly the ecology touch.

2 You hear someone talking virtually their education. What did they study?
A Medicine
B Fine arts
C Science

3 You hear a man talking to another person. Who is he talking to?
A a client
B a student
C a janitor

four Y'all hear a woman and her neighbour talking. What does the woman want her neighbour to do?
A await after a pet
B feed her child
C h2o her plants

five You hear a woman planning to go to a beauty parlour. What is she doing in that location?
A getting her pilus done
B having her nails done
C getting a massage

6 You hear a conversation betwixt ii colleagues. Why is the woman upset?
A Something went missing.
B Something got moisture.
C Something is cleaved.

vii Y'all hear a technician talking about a broken computer. When volition it be repaired?
A Fri
B Mon
C Tuesday

eight You hear a woman talking about her commute to work. How does she feel nigh it?
A Information technology makes her relaxed.
B It stresses her.
C Information technology is very long.

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FCE Listening Practice Test 29

The former, print-friendly exam

Function one

Yous will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-viii, cull the best answer (A, В or C).

1 Y'all hear a pupil asking the lecturer something. The educatee would like the lecturer to
A repeat one of the words.
B requite an caption of something.
C repeat an important indicate.

2 You hear a pol giving an interview. What is the name of their political party?
A Social Liberal Democrats.
B Liberal Democratic Party.
C Christian Democratic Alliance.

3 You hear hotel staff talking to a client on the telephone. They are unable to provide a room considering
A the hotel is fully booked.
B the facilities are inadequate.
C the client expects to have amend service.

4 You lot hear a mother talking to her child. She is
A warning the child near something.
B explaining something to the child.
C reprimanding the child.

5 Y'all hear a woman talking about her problem with an audio recorder. At present the adult female is
A aroused.
B worried.
C satisfied.

6 You overhear a man ordering a cab. He lives is at
A 269 Radleigh Road.
B 69 Rudleigh Road.
C the Half-fashion Hotel.

7 Y'all overhear a human being talking about ticket prices. The man paid
A £6.50.
B £16.50.
C £5.lx.

viii You hear a radio presented introducing a song. He
A likes the vocal very much.
B never liked the song.
C is less bang-up on the vocal now.

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The former, print-friendly test

Office one

You volition hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions ane-8, choose the best answer (A, В or C).

one You hear a man talking to an optician virtually his glasses. What does he need the spectacles for?
A reading
B driving
C watching Idiot box

2 You lot hear a tour guide talking to a group of people. Where are they?
A a library
B a historic firm
C an art gallery

iii You hear a woman talking to her doctor. What does he call back she might need?
A tablets to stay calm
B a middle operation
C new spectacles

4 You hear a man talking almost healthy eating. What does he suggest?
A eating a large breakfast
B eating a sandwich for tiffin
C eating a big meal in the evening

5 You hear a girl talking about a contempo holiday. Why did she come back early?
A because she didn't like the hotel
B because something of hers was stolen
C considering she was disappointed with the island

6 You lot hear a weather condition forecast on the radio. Which function(s) of England volition accept the heaviest rainfall?
A London and south-eastward
B northern
C western and central

vii You lot have lost some money and you telephone the lost property function. You hear a recorded message. What does the bulletin tell yous to practice?
A to call in at the office between nine AM and 5 PM
B to contact the police force to make a argument
C to contact your bank immediately

8 You hear a human talking about a new photocopier. What is his problem with information technology?
A Too many people want to use information technology.
B It is likewise slow and gets too hot.
C Information technology does not copy colour sheets correctly.

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The old, print-friendly test

Function 1

You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions ane-8, choose the best reply (A, В or C).

1 You lot hear a man telling a police force officeholder about a robbery he saw. What was stolen?
A watches
B silver vases
C jewellery

2 Yous hear a doctor examining a patient. What is wrong with the patient?
A a sore pharynx
B a swollen center
C a bad cut

3 You hear a man talking to a colleague. What does he want her to do for him?
A transport a fax
B attend a meeting
C make some photocopies

four You lot hear a hubby and wife talking nigh their plans for a trip. When are they going to leave?
A Midweek
B Friday
C Saturday

5 You hear two co-workers discussing plans for something. What are they trying to arrange?
A a coming together
B a party
C lunch

6 You hear a woman phoning to make a dr.'s appointment. When will she see the md?
A this Wednesday
B this Fri
C next Wednesday

vii You hear a educatee talking about his school books. Where did he exit them?
A in the library
B at school
C at home

8 You hear a husband and married woman discussing what to call their new infant. What proper name exercise they cull?
A Stuart
B Gregory
C Steven

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FCE Listening Practice Test 26

The old, print-friendly test

Part 1

Y'all will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-eight, cull the best reply (A, В or C).

1 You are watching Boob tube and you hear this advertisement. The speaker is encouraging you
A to maintain your car's tyres.
B to scout out for children crossing.
C non to drink and drive.

two You lot overhear these two people discussing a football match. The speakers
A support dissimilar teams.
B both support Manchester United.
C both back up Liverpool.

3 You are out shopping when you lot laissez passer a man in the street selling something. The particular he is selling is
A not bachelor elsewhere.
B cheaper than elsewhere.
C cheaper because it is damaged.

4 You are at a wedding reception when a man starts to make a speech. The speaker is
A the all-time friend of the groom.
B the male parent of the bride.
C the groom.

five Listen to this person speaking near a recent holiday. The speaker complains nearly
A the holiday visitor.
B the country she visited.
C the whole vacation.

6 You are in an office when you lot hear a woman making this phone call. The speaker complains about
A being given the wrong supplies.
B the lateness of the delivery.
C having paid too much.

7 Y'all hear a friend telephoning a sandwich commitment visitor. The speaker is ordering
A two sandwiches.
B 3 sandwiches.
C 4 sandwiches.

8 You lot are watching the evening news on Tv when you hear this item about Dino the dog. Dino
A went to find his owners.
B travelled to his original home.
C got lost.

For this job: Respond Keys :: Tapescript

The old, print-friendly examination

Part 1

You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-viii, choose the best answer (A, В or C).

1 Yous hear a human being giving a lecture. What subject is he talking nearly?
A geography
B tourism
C history

2 You hear an advertising on the radio. What is being advertised?
A a breakdown service
B a garage
C a car insurance policy

3 You hear a Tv commentary on a sports outcome. What event is it?
A a car race
B a equus caballus race
C a cycle race

4 You hear a woman talking on the phone. Who does she work for?
A a building company
B a eating house
C a hotel

5 You hear an declaration at a train station. How can passengers get to Swansea Airport?
A travel in the front end three carriages only
B take a shuttle bus from Newport station
C have a buffet motorcar from Cardiff

half dozen You hear a shopkeeper talking to a client called Mrs Figg. What does Mrs Figg buy?
A cotton wool
B fruit
C vegetables

7 You hear a young man talking about himself. What is he like?
A skilful
B reserved
C sociable

8 You hear a young adult female talking well-nigh her holiday. What was the best thing about information technology?
A eating local food
B talking to local people
C travelling by plane

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The old, impress-friendly test

Part 1

Y'all will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions i-eight, choose the best respond (A, В or C).

1 You overhear a man talking about an experience he had at an airdrome. What did he lose?
A his passport
B his wallet
C a piece of luggage

2 You hear an advertisement on the radio. What is special almost the Fretlight guitar?
A It plays recorded music.
B It teaches y'all how to play.
C It plugs into a computer.

3 You hear part of a radio programme. What is the presenter talking nigh?
A nutrient condom
B meal times
C good for you recipes

four You hear 2 people discussing a type of pollution. What do the speakers hold about?
A the all-time way to solve the problem
B how they feel about this type of pollution
C how they reacted to the solution they saw

5 You lot hear a chat betwixt a shop assistant and a client about a meaty disc. What was the crusade of the problem?
A The customer gave the wrong number.
B A mistake was made on the guild form.
C The disc was incorrectly labelled.

six You overhear a conversation at a football game. What does the speaker say about his team?
A They're better than usual.
B They're as proficient as he expected.
C They tend to be unlucky.

7 You overhear a schoolgirl talking to her friend. What does she call back most her new teacher?
A He is clever.
B He is funny.
C He is interesting.

viii In a hotel you overhear a chat. Who is the adult female?
A a bout guide
B a tourist
C a hotel receptionist

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The old, print-friendly test

Part 1

You will hear people talking in 8 unlike situations. For questions one-8, choose the all-time answer (A, В or C).

ane You overhear some people talking at a political party in a hotel. Where did the people first encounter each other?
A at school
B at work
C at a wedding ceremony

two You eavesdrop a chat in a eatery. Why oasis't they seen each other lately?
A He has been too busy.
B He has been ill.
C He has been away.

3 You lot eavesdrop someone talking about a concert. How did she feel at the fourth dimension?
A angry
B frightened
C disappointed

four You hear a author of children's stories talking about books and compact discs. What advantage does he remember books have over meaty discs?
A They may concluding for a longer time.
B They are easier to expect later.
C They contain better quality textile.

5 You hear a married man and wife talking well-nigh their summer holidays. What problem do they have?
A They really hate flight anywhere.
B They tin can never think of anywhere to go.
C They never agree well-nigh what to do.

6 Yous hear a researcher being asked about her work. What is she doing when she speaks?
A denying an accusation
B disproving a theory
C accepting a criticism

7 You eavesdrop a woman talking to a friend on a train. What does the woman think of the course she has attended?
A It has made her feel more confident.
B It has made her feel less confident.
C It hasn't fabricated much departure to how she feels.

eight Y'all overhear a woman speaking on the radio. What is she doing?
A complaining near something
B apologising for something
C explaining something

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The old, print-friendly test

Part 1

You volition hear people talking in 8 dissimilar situations. For questions 1-8, cull the best answer (A, В or C).

1 You are in a supermarket when you lot hear this announcement almost a lost child. He concluding saw his mother
A in the butcher'south area.
B in the pet nutrient expanse.
C in the fruit and vegetable area.

ii You are in an electrical store when you overhear this woman speaking to the shop assistant. She is complaining considering
A she was charged the wrong corporeality.
B the aforementioned particular is cheaper elsewhere.
C the item was damaged.

3 You overhear a woman talking on the telephone. Next Th the adult female is going to
A travel by charabanc.
B travel past plane.
C travel by train.

4 Listen to a policeman talking to a householder. He wants to
A speak to some other member of the household.
B speak to the householder.
C speak to a neighbor

5 You are listening to the host of a radio phone-in programme speaking. Mary, the first caller, is
A a married woman with a kid.
B a unmarried adult female with a child.
C a regular listener.

six You have joined a 4-day sailing course in United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland. Listen to your teacher giving some important information. He is talking well-nigh
A drinking water.
B salt water.
C running out of water.

7 You eavesdrop two people talking at a motorbus stop. The two speakers
A are both familiar with the war memorial.
B are taking different buses.
C are going to the same place.

8 You lot eavesdrop a human being chatting on the telephone about a course he has to make full in. The man is speaking to
A his married woman.
B his mother.
C his girl.

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The old, print-friendly test

Part 1

You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best reply (A, В or C).

one You lot hear two answerphone letters. After the messages, what is Nick supposed to do?
A visit his female parent
B take his mother to Blackpool
C telephone Jenny

2 You hear an advertizement for a supermarket. What does information technology suggest you should purchase?
A Asdaway products
B popular products
C half-price products

iii You hear a short news item. Why did a doctor stop at Alan'south house?
A His machine had broken down.
B He was lost.
C The business firm was on fire.

four You hear a girl talking to her mother. What does she recall of her female parent's suggestions?
A One dish is too fattening.
B I dish needs too much cooking.
C One dish is too complicated.

5 You hear a receptionist talking on the telephone. Where does she piece of work?
A a college
B an accountant due south role
C a md'southward surgery

six You hear someone addressing a crowd of people. Where are they?
A at a building site
B at a route accident
C outside a burning edifice

7 You lot hear ii men, Alan and Jim, talking near a tree. Who will go along the tree?
A Alan
B Jim
C Steve

8 You hear a chef on a Idiot box cookery programme. Why doesn't she brand brownies very often?
A They are difficult to resist.
B They are likewise moist.
C They are very heavy

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