My Samsung Galaxy S4 Phone Is Having Charging Issues Again

  1. syxxt9's Avatar

    I got my galaxy s4 about 3 weeks ago. One calendar week past the warranty date from radio shack (for some reason they only offering 2 week warranty...). No assist from Radio Shack at all. Anyways I am having issues charging my phone. The telephone no longer detects the charger when I plug it in. I've tried a couple different cords, I've tried charging it on my estimator and wall outlet, i've pulled the battery out (no visible impairment), I've done 3 difficult resets of the telephone, updated the software, and notwithstanding no luck. I can get the phone to accuse, even so it must be OFF. When I plug information technology into the wall while information technology is OFF, the battery charging icon volition pop up for a few seconds and vibrate, then the screen goes black. It repeats this process every 5 seconds or so. I accept noticed that it does really charge the bombardment and I left information technology plugged in like this overnight and in the morning my battery was fully charged. However plain this is annoying as I take to turn my phone off to charge information technology and I can't hook it upwardly to my computer or anything else. I've read 1 other thread on here with a similar result though they were not able to get the battery to fully charge and also reported the phone getting very hot, mine is not doing this. Anyone take any solutions, I've ordered a new battery online which should be here in a couple days but to meet if it is that equally I demand a spare anyways. If not I judge I will endeavor to transport my phone in for repair, I live in a remote expanse and don't have anywhere shut that I can just bring it to.

    06-09-2013 05:25 PM

  2. greggowaffles's Avatar

    Im having the aforementioned issue: only charges when off and the charge pulsates as y'all described. Has your new bombardment given yous whatsoever luck?

    06-09-2013 07:59 PM

  3. syxxt9's Avatar

    Haven't got new battery yet. But I did try a battery from a friends phone and no luck. Spoke with ATT and they are sending me a similar-new telephone and I take to send them this 1 back, then at least I won't be stuck without a phone.

    06-10-2013 09:46 AM

  4. Klever421's Avatar

    Okay guys and so today I woke up and looked at my phone to find that information technology was a nine percent. I was confused at commencement because I had put it on the charger the night earlier.
    So now I've been trying to accuse information technology and the merely manner to charge it is how stxxxt9 describes... OFF. And information technology vibrates randomly and that is but annoying.
    One cause of this telephone error may have been how I was clumsy and dropped my telephone in a puddle behind my firm...

    I call back that this error is caused past h2o damage of some sort and the way your Samsung Galaxy s4 can exist repaired is by replacing it through ATT.

    06-29-2013 08:22 AM


  6. Shainal Chetty's Avatar

    I had the same issue, sometimes information technology would charge really slowly, and a few times I left the charger plugged in over night and the bombardment actually decreased Eventually I but sent it in to my service provider and they fixed it for me. I tried everything besides, I advise you but transport it dorsum to who ever you got it from, yous rather go 2 weeks without a phone than accept a faulty ane.
    Hope it gets sorted out

    07-01-2013 03:51 AM

  7. usb pin bent's Avatar

    How-do-you-do all! I've had the exact same issue for most a week. Took the phone dorsum to the store I bought information technology from and just as the guy was doing the paperwork to send the device for repair, he noticed the USB connector pin on the phone itself was slightly bent. After consulting with his coworker, he *gently* bent it dorsum into place with a mini flathead screwdriver. Trouble solved. Promise this helps.

    07-06-2013 03:32 PM

  8. CWNY's Avatar

    I had this aforementioned issue. I had the phone for three weeks and information technology started i morning. The charging icon I got was a greyness battery icon with a still "timer" circle that would appear for five seconds, go off and then the phone would pulse. When the phone was on, the USB connection was non recognized by any other devices at all. I treated this phone well. I didn't drop information technology or become it wet and I know how to connect the connector to the USB port. Sprint was no help. They told me to either get the insurance or they would wait at it for $57. Instead, I went to the Samsung website and talked to a tech over chat. He had me go through reset, hard reset, changing batteries, chargers, etc. He suggested I send it back to Samsung and emailed me a UPS label. One week later, they fixed the problem, and I should accept the phone dorsum within a day or two. They said it was an issue with the charging port and it was fixed nether warranty. I was also told that he spoke to several people had this trouble by a tech person at another Dart store subsequently I mailed it in. Other than this small problem, this has been an excellent phone.

    07-12-2013 06:51 PM

  9. abuxe's Avatar

    Hello, I have had the aforementioned trouble for a while at present. After reading the postal service about the bent pin, I tried to gear up it the same way and information technology worked. I actually appreciate for the help.

    07-15-2013 06:21 PM

  10. sadler.john's Avatar


    I hope this helps y'all. ..there are 2 flavors of wall chargers that I am enlightened of.
    A 850 milli amp and a 2 amp type..
    I had been using a quondam charger that came with another turned out to be a 850 amp made the s4 sick...the s4 ships with a 2amp charger...just because information technology fits the telephone port does non mean it is the right type....I switched to the wall charger tha the came with the s4 and the charging problem was solved. is a 2 amp charger...the s4 has a bigger battery and therefore needs a charger that pushes more juice......I promise this helps you besides..
    I had been using a chager

    07-21-2013 x:58 AM

  11. silverbird5K's Avatar

    I take the EXACT same problem with my S4. I purchased the telephone 6 weeks agone (June 13th) at Best Buy and started noticing the trouble nearly a week ago. I've tried the original charger that came with the phone, an onetime charger for my previous Droid Bionic, the car charger they upwardly-sold me when I made the original purchase - everything. Like everyone else, the merely time my telephone charges is when information technology's off. Once the battery dies or I plough the phone off, I plug information technology in, a grey battery icon appears and in that location's a repetitive vibrating pulse every xv seconds (exactly as described above by CWNY). Information technology'due south incredibly annoying: a $600 device as well-fabricated and/or well-hyped as the S4 shouldn't have problems like this less than 2 months after information technology's purchased. I haven't dropped, spilled, or in whatsoever way damaged the device. It just stopped charging. Really frustrating.
    Information technology sounds like the best place to become assistance is directly from Samsung, although I'm not thrilled past the week+ waiting period.

    Does anyone if Best Purchase offers some kind of basic warranty that would encompass this sort of problem half-dozen weeks afterward the purchase engagement? I'd much rather simply bulldoze over and take them fix (or replace) it same-twenty-four hour period. Simply if I take to wait, I'll wait.

    Sounds like this is a somewhat common problem- particularly among people who purchased their phones in the past ii months. That's somewhat comforting, at to the lowest degree. And hopefully the manufacturer and/or retailer(s) will take responsibility and do the right matter.

    07-27-2013 02:34 AM

  12. gazi1979's Avatar

    i hed the same trouble wont charge only wen is of works today i wen i Lewisham and i change charging pot and is working fine i pay 35 pond but i m hapy is whorking know

    10-05-2013 09:35 AM

  13. Kokzin8's Avatar

    got my telephone 5 months and had no problem with it until sabbatum where it refused to charge, im stressed. i dont know what happend to it. i left it on the charger over night merely its all the same the same. do i have to take it to repairs or what. that phone is my life and i yet dont understand why information technology couldnt read the charger and why now.

    10-21-2013 01:00 AM

  14. biva's Avatar

    suggest me to solve the same issues.plzz...i am unable to charge my mobile .

    x-26-2013 04:48 AM

  15. transistors's Avatar

  16. DesElms's Avatar

    I'1000 sorry, but that thread's showtime two posts -- by that thread's starter (aka, its "original poster" or "OP") -- are only ridiculously wrong and misleading.

    I take, however, added a third mail service to that thread which sets straight the record; and provides whatsoever Samsung Galaxy famly phone user -- particularly a Annotation II user -- with pretty much everything s/he needs to know about this discipline.

    11-xix-2013 03:07 PM

  17. Josh43nity's Avatar

    Howdy, I have had the same problem for a while at present. Afterwards reading the post about the bent pin, I tried to fix it the aforementioned way and it worked. I really appreciate for the assist.

    11-21-2013 x:48 AM

  18. Abouker Aicha's Avatar

    and so ur galaxy is working well correct now ?

    11-29-2013 06:09 AM

  19. LOSK's Avatar

    Thank you USB Pin etc... because i accept the same problem with my Galaxy Nexus & S3, nonetheless i moved the charging pivot and they both started working.


    1- Get a "Mini flat tip screwdriver"
    2- Bend advisedly the charging pin upwards (Brand Sure YOU DONT BEND It THAT MUCH)!
    3- Plug it in your charger, if it doesnt accuse repeat step "ii-" untill it works
    4- On some devices sometimes it will accuse in one case, merely on the second try information technology won�t work, so maybe you will have to motility the pin all the times you programme to charge your phone (longstory short, y'all might take to move the pivot every time yous will charge your phone)

    12-xxx-2013 05:08 PM

  20. t4studiosBlkDmd's Avatar

    My Samsung S3, which is only two months sometime, worked ok (well, I had a host of other types of issues), until three days ago. I noticed it was plugged in all night and went expressionless. Turns out, it no longer charges with the charger it came with, or my son's Samsung USB cord and charger (same model) from whatsoever outlet in the house, or my part, or from my laptop - - but merely charges in the automobile, using a no-name brand car charger from Walgreens. This only started happening in the past couple of days. Prior to that it was fine, except that information technology was going dead very rapidly. I was constantly running from one plug to some other. I sort of learned how to plough apps off through the Application Manager frequently - to salvage battery power. That helped, but it was a pain to accept to practise all the time (you'd call back they could figure out a way to make games etc. plow off after you're done playing without having to go to settings and do that every time). I figured mayhap I turned off a necessary battery office app that corrupted it, except that I did a hard manufacturing plant reset and the charging upshot remains. Curiouser and curiouser!

    02-01-2014 11:43 PM

  21. Khalid Seven's Avatar

    The only solution is to modify the USB port to resolve this probleme definitivly, ( the same probleme in some samsung product's as S1 , S2, S3, Tab, and notes), all the operation that tin can cost in Kingdom of morocco fifteen$-25$ (including parts). in nearly 30 minutes.

    02-15-2014 05:28 AM

  22. LadyTravel's Avatar

    I've had this same problem, I just checked mine and I don't see anything aptitude. I am not willing to pay to have information technology repaired. They will have to supervene upon my phone.

    02-xv-2014 04:ten PM

  23. kenhdd's Avatar

    I had the same issue with my S4. I solved the problem with a wireless charger. A $35.00 fix.........

    03-29-2014 09:23 AM

  24. Denise Webster Haller's Avatar

    I have found that you can non apply any other charging cords except OEM cords. For some reason the Samsung galaxy S4 pulls more electricity. So unless information technology is an authentic cord mine won't charge either. At that place are times when I plug information technology in and it doesn't recognize the plug and then I have to restart, so it will work. I tin not apply information technology in my Pruis "Entune" programme because it keeps pulling more amperage so information technology shuts the program downward. Besides information technology won't charge that well when it is plugged into a USB in a car.

    04-11-2014 11:17 AM

  25. Kay Rellims's Avatar

    I merely had the aforementioned problem, merely I wanted to let everyone know what the solution, and what the possible issues WERE.

    My phone'south but 6-eight weeks former, and I didn't go the insurance, so this was stressing me out. LOL

    Last night, during the rainstorm, my phone slipped out of my jacket pocket, into a puddle and was submerged for similar, two seconds.
    I immediately wiped information technology completely off, hoping it was going to survive (which information technology did, thank god)... but my battery was depression (I charge my phone overnight every twenty-four hours), and when I put it to charge, it wasn't realizing that it was plugged in. 0.0

    When I wiggled the cord effectually, trying to make it pick it upward, it somewhen did say that the charger wasn't compatible to my phone......... which pissed me off.
    It wouldn't charge AT ALL. ALL night.

    I tried again this morn, and instead of using it in the wall, I plugged it into my reckoner, and later on wiggling it again a lot, it finally picked it up, and it charged (very slowly, of course, since it was charging through the computer) a few percents, but so it stopped. And and so the only activity I could get out of it was the "this charger isn't compatible with this phone" so I brought it to work with me just now, looked upwardly on Google "Galaxy S4 charging issues" and found this forum.

    Quickly skimming through answers, I found the thought to gently adjust that tiny silver piece inside the phone, in example that makes the charger take it.
    IT DID WORK. I uncoiled a pocket-size paperclip and used the tip to wedge (GENTLY) the silver piece upward a little ((and so information technology's more centered than toward 1 side---- but not completely centered)), stuck my charger in again, and it ******* works! It's charging right now, and this literally happened less than 5 minutes agone.

    So good luck to you lot guys!
    ((If you take a heavy hand, or are unable to be extremely gentle, then have a girl practise it for you, if she's that fashion.--- You really don't want to **** this up. It'south like playing Operation.))

    04-29-2014 07:59 AM

  26. Yakin_Shah007's Avatar

    Hey my phone got same issue as you had.. Did you phone got fixed? If yes than how did you do it? Delight reply Thanx...

    07-16-2014 08:55 AM

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